Operation Fails to Cut Out Stress


            This might come out a bit more disjointed than usual, and not as funny, as I’ve just been through something of a rough week.

            What’s that, you say? I’m always disjointed and not as funny? Clearly you’ve never read the side-splitting account of my prostate exam, which never fails to clear the room.

            There are ways one can deal with medical problems: laugh, cry, or stoically carry on, for instance. I whine … but I channel it into a job. This makes me the Woody Allen of my block, complete with a much younger wife but without the movie credits.

            This all segues nicely into the story of my fiancée-wife, who I’ll refer to for the next year as my fiancée even though she’s kind of my wife. Segues aren’t just for riding around in malls anymore. (You have read my previous column explaining this, yes? Shame on you.)

            Humor at the expense of my own problems is expected, but when the medical problems are hers it’s harder for me to find the funny. That, plus the fact that we’re still going through it and I’m writing this almost literally at the last minute (and I don’t take the term literally lightly, figuratively speaking), make this column difficult.

             I wanted to explain why I’ve been largely absent from many areas of my life and why I was often an emotional bear (and you don’t want to mess with emotional bears), and above all, to say I’m sorry for using all these parenthesis. It’s also an emotion dump for me.

            Many weeks ago, Emily (my fiancée-wife – seriously, read my columns) started having trouble with abdominal pain, and other symptoms. Various medical people poked and prodded and said “Hm …” in their most professional manner while Emily, who’s had various medical issues all her life, did the stoic thing. I was, of course, confident, encouraging, lighthearted, and absolutely certain everything would be okay.

            Only later did I find out I fooled no one. So much for all that acting experience in high school drama 

            Dr. Miller, a lady-parts doctor, sat us down to go over options. Well, I’d already collapsed into a chair, but never mind. The options: We could do nothing and see if the pain would go away. (It had been, what – three months at this point?) We could put her on birth control pills to see if controlling her raging hormones might help. (Emily’s raging hormones, that is – Dr. Miller is a male lady-parts doctor. This is where you make the joke of your choice.)

            (By the way, I was really worried at this point that the raging hormones thing would result in objects in our house being demolished, and by objects I mean my head.)

            I’m really, really sorry about the parenthesis.

            Or, we could go in for laparoscopic surgery, which means the doc uses a tiny camera to go Indiana Jonesing around the body, overwhelmed with curiosity and looking for trouble with such joy that he might as well be named Doctor Who. If only it could be done in a less invasive way, say with a sonic screwdriver, which is not a drink they serve at Sonic. More’s the pity.

            I knew it was time for the surgery when Emily, who I sometimes call Miss 4.0, expressed a complete lack of interest in her college course load. It was like Hugh Hefner saying he wasn’t interested in women.

            I took a week off from work, anticipating she might need some nursing after the surgery. Boy, was I ever right. I hate being right. I’m only right when it’s a bad thing.

I told my relatives that they didn’t need to come wait with me, under the theory that if I kept busy with writing, reading, or other work in the waiting room I wouldn’t worry, which is pretty much total bull and was roundly ignored by my mother. Other friends and relatives were flocking toward the hospital like politicians toward a photo op, until Emily came out of the operating room so quickly that I turned them all around, thinking it was all over but the shouting.

By the way, I want to take a moment to talk about Parkview Noble Hospital. This “Band-Aid station”, often put down for being a small town nothing that ships all its patients elsewhere, is where Emily had the operation. It’s also where one of my grandsons was admitted for an illness and where, in its previous location, both my daughter and I were born.

Are they going to do emergency brain surgery there? No. But the staff was competent, friendly, helpful, encouraging, caring – all those other good “ing’s”. She was in and out of surgery so quickly that when the doc stepped into the waiting room I figured it was to tell me there was a delay, and he hadn’t even started yet. At no point did anyone rush to get rid of us, or fail to answer questions or address concerns.

So if you put down a small town hospital as being worthless in front of me, those are fighting words. Or, well, very strong glare words.

The diagnosis: Endometriosis. This condition happens when cells that are supposed to stay in the reproductive system break out and have a party in other parts of the abdomen, with pain caused by their head banging music, littering of red cups still partially full of beer, and wet t-shirt contests.

I’m kidding – the wet t-shirt contests cause no harm.

While looking around with his spy cam the doc called in the pelvic police and had the party shut down. Not to go into too much detail, but the end result was a lot of pain, and medications junkies can only dream of. Yes, I did spend the next week nursing Emily back to health. No, she did not starve or get dropped down a staircase. Yes, I did come out of it sleep deprived. It’s 5:30 in the morning as I write this, five days later. She’s stretched out on the couch across the room, and I’m meeting deadline. (Note to editor: I’ll have my other news stuff to you after a nap. Also, I appreciate your note about using too many parentheses.)

I should note that during her convalescence: One contractor finished replacing my roof, I had to empty everything out of our kitchen so another could replace the ceiling and lighting fixtures, and my furnace stopped working. Life goes on, and there’ll always be something to write about. I’d just prefer, in the future, if it didn’t involve bad things happening to my loved ones.


  1. My husband would become annoyed whenever I was ill. He could not envision a less than perfect me. His annoyance was with the incompetence of the medical profession--not me. It was funny. I just never wrote about it. Emily is the one with the right to whine, yet she is stoic. Sounds so familiar.

    1. I hate it when people get annoyed at those who are ill; whatever happened to compassion in this world? In my experience there's a lot less incompetence than there is impatience -- at least, in the medical field.

  2. When they described to me how they treat endometriosis, I thought they had to be kidding. It's about on a par with banging on the radiator with a hammer. I hope Emily's feeling better soon! (your furnace too - Mark, really, back away from the hammer)

    1. It's a good comparison -- Emily really does feel like she's been banged on with a hammer.

  3. I just had a breast cancer scare. Had my annual mammogram, something showed up (micro-calcification), but of course I had to wait a week before they told me what it was they found and that I'd need a biopsy. I was calm and wait, but my husband called me at work every day asking, "Well, did you hear anything?" All I could do was reassure him that I'd call him as soon as I got a call.

    Some people handle things differently. My take is if it's cancer, we'll deal with it. I'm just happy I woke up to another day rather than having bit the dust the day before in some freak accident.

    And you're right about always having something to write about. Life does that to us! :)

    1. It sure does! As much as I was stressed as we waited through Emily's diagnosis, I was calm and not all that concerned when I was undergoing tests for possible prostate cancer -- and it was wearing her apart.

  4. Yes, this is a serious topic which is hard to make light. I've known women with this condition and it's painful both emotional and physical. I wish your fiance a quick recovery. Try some of the unconventional approaches like Quantum Touch Healing. Not sure you would find a QT healer in your area, but it is worth looking into.

    1. I'll look into anything that will lessen her pain!

  5. I applaud you for taking time off work to care for your fiancee-wife. When I had to have a lung biopsy (they drill three holes through your ribs and put in a camera and instruments) my ex-husband told me to take a cab home from the hospital because he was too busy. The cab driver had to help me into the house because I was in so much pain. Then I had to recover alone while he was at work everyday. That's why we're no longer married. Hope Emily is feeling better soon and things get better for you both.

    1. Well, that ... sucks. Even though in my job I see that kind of selfishness every day, it's still hard to believe. It reminds me of when my youngest daughter was hospitalized at age 3, and the nurses went on and on about how great it was that at least one of us stayed with her all night, every night. I remember thinking, "There are families who don't do that?"

  6. Oh Mark, it's hard to find humor when the center of your world is crashing down around you. Thanks for sharing and I loved the part about Miss 4.0 and Hefner. Very funny and a great analogy. Please take care and when the clouds start to pass it'll all be way funnier in hindsight.

    1. Still not all that funny yet! :-) but she's getting better.

  7. That's been a hard few days, Mark, and longer. I hope she's improving.

    1. She's definitely doing better ... no 100%, but a great improvement!
