
$5 more needed to make cancer fighting goal

The Relay for Life is in only a month and a half away, and I need just five dollars more in donations to make my hundred dollar goal. If I don’t reach that completely arbitrary amount that I set … well, not much of anything will happen, but it was a low goal and I’d like to hit it.

Also, I’m the number two participant in the Noble County Relay’s online website right now, and wouldn’t it be cool to be number one? Here’s the local Relay site:

And here’s my participation center, where you can go to make a donation through me, if you’d like.

If you don’t like me – well, make a donation anyway, through the main site. Much as I’d like to think otherwise, it’s not about me.

But if we raise $100,000 this year, you’ll still get to see me with a shaved head. Other than Emily, who doesn’t want to see that?

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