
No news is good news, TwisterPalooza, and Storm Chaser Quiz final clue

            I’m going to delay my official announcement about Storm Chaser’s publication and availability until I actually see it up on the Whiskey Creek Press website. It’s not there yet, but don’t panic until the day is gone. Well, you don’t panic – I’ll be panicking enough for everybody. Rest assured, as soon as I see it go live I’ll let everyone know; I’ll most likely be checking every five minutes until I fall asleep.
            Otherwise, I’ll celebrate publication day with a visit to the dentist to see about capping this aching tooth. So now I know what the first royalty check will be going toward …

            Meanwhile, please go over and vote for one of the four very deserving short stories at TwisterPalooza:
            There’s only been one vote so far, and even if you aren’t familiar with the two fandoms represented (one of the stories is an original fic), I think you’ll enjoy them. I’ll be posting my weather related short story, set at the beginning of Storm Chaser, later this week.

            Also meanwhile, here’s the final clue in the Storm Chaser quiz, something meant more for local residents that will show the actual location of Hurricane, the fictional town from Storm Chaser. I’d already established that it was in central Noble County, and even produced a photo of Hurricane (or at least, where Hurricane would be).
            Only once in the book is an actual address in the town mentioned. 1432 East Prickett Street is not real (but is named in tribute to a former publisher of the Albion New Era, the newspaper I work for). However, the numerical address matches Noble County’s addressing system, so anyone familiar with how homes in rural Noble County are numbered can narrow the location down to a very small area.

            If that’s not enough – and I’ve been thinking that the whole thing’s going to be very anticlimactic – here are two short snippets from the book:

     Allie looked at him, but Chance’s gaze stayed on the narrow, hilly State Road 8 as they continued west. “The name of your hometown. What is it?”

            And then:

Moments later Chance turned right onto a narrow county road. Allie snapped a quick shot of a deer peering at them from the crest of a grassy hill. “It’s lovely here.”
“You’ve seen one corn field, you’ve seen them all.”

            That should get you there. Read the TwisterPalooza entries, please!

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