
I tackle poetry -- and get slammed


            My fiancĂ©e is taking a poetry class this year, so I, being a writer, decided to take a crack at writing poetry myself.

            Why didn’t someone stop me?

            Thank goodness I’m better at prose. Thank goodness Emily is better at poetry, or she’d be scoring a big fat goose egg, which rhymes with … I don’t know, something.

            My understanding has always been that poetry is writing that’s short and structured and rhymes, while prose just rambles on, the way I do. However, it turns out that poetry doesn’t always rhyme, and some poems have gone on to book lengths. There are, in fact, many dozens of types of poetry, from Haiku to Jintishi. I thought Jintishi was a condition related to liver damage from too much drinking, but no.

I myself have written several: There’s my Summer Sonnet, which managed to rhyme “sunblock” with “wet sock” (you have to read the whole thing, it makes sense in context). That was the first part of a trilogy that ended with “Winter Depression Elegy”. Then there’s my most famous work of all, “Ode to Odious Odors”, a salute to sweat.

It was only after I realized poems didn’t have to rhyme that I completed my ultimate work: “Rhymes With Orange”. I expected to replace Arthur F. Mapes as Indiana’s poet laureate, but got into trouble when my application poem rhymed “laureate” with “lariat”. As I hadn’t bothered with something that actually made logical sense, my choice left the Indiana Arts Commission hanging.

 By the way, the current Indiana State Poet Laureate is Imma Eaton Krapf; I used Mapes’ name because he lived here in Noble County. By the end of this century Noble County will be known as a writer’s paradise, home of Mapes, Stratton-Porter, Hunter, and Emily Stroud. (Don’t worry Emi; it’s not necessarily in that order).

As part of striving toward famous authorhood (You’ve heard of Authorhood; he stole books from the rich and gave them to the poor), and in an attempt to be a well-rounded writer, I thought I’d take another stab at writing poetry, despite the begging and pleading of both colleagues and fans.

As it happens, I’ve been discussing with writer friends the issue of which is better: e-books or good old fashioned paper books. Poetry should deal with the challenges of life, right? Well, you’re not going to see me at a poetry slam, screaming about drug abuse while sipping five dollar coffee, but I know the sick feeling of pulling a paperback out of the bathtub water. So here, from a writer’s standpoint, is my salute to modern technology:

I thought that I would never see
a book that didn’t kill a tree.
With pages scented paper sweet;
Appetizing termite meat.

No foliage falls for greater cause
then giving pleasure when we pause
to take it easy, and get lost
in stories great, at discount cost.

A too hot day in summertime
is good enough excuse to climb
into a room, all air conditioned,
assuming readership position.

And winter’s even better, yet
to put aside a day, all set
to ignore the crappy cold and snow
for Kipling, King, or maybe Poe.

But oh, the times will change, they say,
if you’ve the means with which to pay,
and wonders come, by hook or crook
electronically – such as e-book.

What a great way to read a story!
Romance, Sci-fi, or something gory.
The e-book holds a million tomes
that otherwise you’d leave at home.

Much less space used! The paper saved!
No more do printing presses slave
to murder trees and spray out ink:
To get a book, just hit a link

On a little screen, electronic
that can bring your reading tonic
and sooth the soul that needs that book
on Kindle, iPad, or the Nook.

It’s so much better, wouldn’t you say?
Your whole library’s there, all day.
No bending covers – doing that
would break an e-reader’s back.

No new book smell. No bookmark need.
No buying something new to read
from that little bookstore down the block;
they’re out of business. Closed and locked.

No comfort in those overflowing
shelves of print, the joy of knowing
no death of any circuitry
nor slowly dying battery

will keep you from enjoying it
in dull lines, or a bathroom visit.
E-books? They’ll come along, apace.
As new things will, they’ll have their place.

If people read, no matter how
it makes this planet great, somehow.
But print will stay, for fools like me,
who know it’s worth replanting trees.


  1. I'll take your word for it, April -- I'm sure you know more about poetry than I do!

  2. Great poem Mark and I love the subject, the humor and the even the rhymes. Who knows someone else can be the Poet Lariat and you might make it to Laureate!

  3. Mark, I love your sense of humor. And poetry can be any form. I love how you took a classic poem and re-wrote it for modern day. You are a genius with your poetry, for sure.

  4. Tres bien. I enjoyed the irony of your situation and your poem about book publishing.

  5. Had a good laugh - and humorous poetry is harder to write than angst-filled... (from someone who knows) lol

    My humor offering "The Predhead Goes to Court"

    Predhead is a name for folks who have to take long-term high-dosages of prednisone for disease.

  6. I like it!

    Mark, you're braver than I am. I won't even try. I suck at poetry.

  7. Thanks, everyone! You might goad me into trying it again, someday. :-) Norma, you should try it -- I think I suck at poetry too, but it seems to have gone over pretty well. It's very time consuming for me, but the product seems worth it.

  8. Nice poem, Mark! It is humorous but it also has a nice meaning to it. True that we have sacrificed many trees just to print those books,and sometimes it is more convenient and environmentally friendly to use e-books! Still, nothing beats reading a good book while you curl in a sofa and flip through real pages :)

  9. Technically, this is super. I have published a poetry book, and I have won poetry prizes, so I should know. Well done - it is also humorous, which is doubly hard. AND it packs and unpacks some truths about all kinds of books and readers. Wow. Liked it.

    BTW - Emily will love my "All the Wrong Places", and it's a very inexpensive (but valuable, of course!) volume. No rhymes.

  10. You're right, Shyxter -- you can't curl up properly with an e-book. And reading in the bathtub? Out of the question. :-)

  11. Thanks, Rosanne! That means a lot from someone who knows poetry; I try, but remain a rank amateur. Emily might just get a book for Christmas!

  12. Nicely done, Mark!

    I'd be completely incapable of doing any kind of poetry myself.

  13. You never know until you try, William -- after all, I've said the same thing myself. Thanks!

  14. That is actually a cool poem. I'm about as poetic as a cockroach.

  15. Glad you like it, Mike ... like I told William, you never know -- I never thought of myself as poetic, either.
