
sick house

Emily Stroud has the flu ... maybe two bugs based on her symptoms: the regular respiratory one and a stomach virus that people call the flu, but really isn't. (See? I learned something!) Because why just get sick if you can get extra sick?  She's pretty miserable, but handling it okay, and I'm giving her all the TLC I can from arm's length on the other side of a plastic sheet. Send a few good wishes/vibes/prayers her way.

I got my flu shot yesterday, but I suspect I'll end up with one or the other illnesses soon enough; that's the way our year has gone. Meanwhile, we'll stay in for awhile and try to cut down on contaminating other people.


  1. I'm sorry she's ill. There's nothing more miserable than this.

  2. Well, she's getting better now, so there's that ... she needs to be all well again, for when I come down with it!

  3. No it's not ... and now I'm coming down with it.
