
blarg, and stuff

 I've got this low grade headache going on that's keeping me from accomplishing anything. The doc gave me a shot of cortizone a few days ago (and did a full blood draw at the same time -- had needles putting in and taking out), and although my symptoms are mostly better now, my head raged for a day and has still been hurting ever since. I realize I should take some time off, but by gummit -- I've got books to write.

Maybe I should try the whiskey, like my stepdad used to give me for colds; it's worked for other writers.


  1. Mark, after years of sinus infections, I developed migraines - esp intense in the colder weather and when my sinuses act up. I wonder if that is what is happening with you now?

  2. That's certainly possible - I never used to have migraines, but got something that meets the description for the first time a few months ago, and this is similar. Just what I need!

  3. I hope migraines aren't anywhere in my future.

  4. I've been around enough people with full blown migraines to know they're the worst kind of headache.
