
14, my lucky number

‎14,000 words done! New ideas to incorporate in are popping up every minute, so I'm taking a lot of notes for the second draft. Oddly enough, there's not a whole lot of romance so far (odd considering it's the sequel to a romantic comedy). The two main characters are together in almost every scene and have good chemistry, but it's almost more like a buddy comedy. Maybe that blonde teenager who keeps tagging along (and who you're all familiar with from "Storm Chaser"), is cramping their style.


  1. Yeah. Teenagers have a way of doing that.

  2. Great job, but you might find some time for them to lose the teenager for a bit to spice things up. Good luck! Take care!

  3. Replies
    1. Today was the first day since January 1st that I haven't had time to work on the manuscript, which is pretty good on my schedule!
