Free E-Book, Again

 Read An E-book Week is here! While I know it's no Arbor Day, it does afford us an opportunity to ... well, read an e-book. I don't know who invents these things, but on Smashwords a free e-book sale runs from March 2nd to March 8th.

I don't know if reading a print book is banned during this period. It's not a legal holiday, so probably not. However, the advantage is that you could get a free e-book from me and a whole lot of other people, from this Smashwords link:

This is the third time in a year Smashwords has had a similar promotion, but it's never a bad time to fill up the reading device of your choice--especially if you fill it with Coming Attractions, the only book of mine that's up on Smashwords. (Other than the two anthologies I have stories in.) The link to Coming Attractions, which you can get on various formats, is here:

There's still plenty of bad weather yet to come, so grab the beverage of your choice, build a nest on the couch, and read on! It's way cheaper than most other hobbies.

Then you can read our other books:

·        Amazon:

·        Barnes & Noble:"Mark R Hunter"

·        Goodreads:

·        Blog:

·        Website:

·        Instagram:

·        Facebook:

·        Linkedin:

·        Twitter:

·        Youtube:

·        Substack:

·        Tumblr:

·        Smashwords:

·        Audible:


Remember: When it comes to books, there's very little bad that can be said about "free".