Indiana Gets April Prize on 50 Authors From 50 States

My post on Indiana was the monthly winner on 50 Authors From 50 States, and so one of my commenters has won April's grand prize! Mari C. (you know who you are!) will get a gift made in right here in the Hoosier State, by Homespun of Indiana. Here's my original post:

Thanks to Mari and everyone else who commented, there's an Indiana sidebar post on the 50 Authors page this week. Oh, and here's the website of the company that's providing the prize:

Thanks again, everyone!

Meanwhile, this week's entry on 50 Authors From 50 States covers Maine:


  1. I was almost knocked over when I received the message from them. I never (or rarely) win anything; not even card games. Oh, I Tweeted this. Virtual hugs.

    1. It was your turn! I don't know what exactly they're sending you, though, so let me know. Virtual hugs back!
