Family Christmas photos

 I don't get to see all three and a half of my grandchildren all together that often, because of schedules, and pandemics, and the like. But we were able to have a small gathering the morning of Christmas Eve (After that it was my weekend to work). Shockingly, we (mostly Emily and Charis) took pictures. I didn't get a picture of the third and a half grandkid, because she's still baking, and should come out of the oven in the spring.

These are the kids: Charis on the left, Jill on the right with her second daughter in hiding, and the big kid in the middle, otherwise known as Father Sithmas.

These are the grandkids, although the fact that I positioned us wrong for the picture is glaringly obvious. (Get it? Glaring?) Hunter on the left, his twin Brayden on the right (they are SO twins!) Between me and the Christmas tree is Lilli.

Getting Lilli and Beowulf together and unmoving long enough to take a photo is like capturing a fart in a skillet, although--who would want to do that? He was pretty much glued to her most of the morning, though.

I realize now we didn't get a picture of Vince--I'll have to shoot for that at our next family gathering. But Charis took this photo, so here's Emily with me and Beowulf--and Lilli photo bombing. Clearly Charis is the better photographer.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, although we could have done without the backlighting! But I suppose when it's family, that kind of thing can be taken into consideration.

  2. Thank for Posting. Great looking family. Tweeted.
