Singing the Short Story Blues

After mulling it over in my mind for some time, I wrote a short story the other day, then revised and polished it. I was really proud--it was one of my better short stories, clever and fun. I was so sure of its quality that after giving it another go-through I sent it to my favorite SF periodical, Asimov's Science Fiction, at about 5 a.m. the next morning.

At about 5 p.m. I checked my e-mail, and found their form rejection letter. Twelve hours. That might be a new record response for any submission I've made.

Hey, one of the things we writers complain about is how long it takes publishers to get back to us! Besides, we need moments like that to keep from getting too full of ourselves.
Anyway, on with the show as we look at a Kansas literary agency I should probably submit to:

50 Authors from 50 States: Metamorphosis Literary Agency of Olathe, Kansas: Our mission is to help authors become traditionally published. We represent well-crafted commercial fiction and nonfiction. Metamorphosi...

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