Getting My Dander Up

Look, I'm allergic to cat dander--highly allergic.

Granted, it might be a Pokemon cat Emily found in the car, but I've been sneezing every time I go for a drive. Coincidence?

Get back in your ball, Glameow.



  1. Pokemon is merely a thing signalling bad taste, not a harbinger of allergies. :)

    1. Oh, it's just another game, like all the rest. I can't get too involved in any of them--I have an addictive personality. That reminds me, I need to go pick up more Mountain Dew.

  2. Replies
    1. That's nothing, you should hear me sneeze when Meowth shows up.

  3. poky cats are not usually an allergy trigger -- but if ANYBODY will react, it will be you!

  4. This is probably the only time you'll ever see this written - What's pokemon?
    Maybe I should get out more; in fact just once.

    1. You ... don't know *anything* about Pokemon? Wow! Apparently you have your priorities in order!

      Basically they were a video game, and a card collection game, then a cartoon, then an internet game and some movies. My wife has a couple of Pokemon shirts. There are about 900 Pokemon now, and "You gotta catch 'em all!" Which is about all you need to know other than that you catch them with a Pokeball, and can then battle other "trainers" who have Pokemon in their balls.

      the longer version is here:
