Storm Chaser price drop ...

Somebody decided to drop the price of Storm Chaser’s Nook edition to $5.80, and Kindle version to $4.99. (That’s from Whiskey Creek Press’s original $6.99.) I don’t know who makes these decisions, but it sounds good to me.

 Sadly, Storm Chaser Shorts is still not available for the Nook, although you can buy it on Amazon, or as PDF or HTML files at It took about six months for Storm Chaser to work its way onto Barnes & Noble.


  1. Sir Poops and Hair Ball will be sending you an e-mail for an interview to help promote your work.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. That would be fantastic! I might have to wear a mask to avoid the dander, though.

  2. Mark, you are a terrific writer, and I hope more people will discover the beauty and charm of Storm Chaser. Can't wait to read the short stories! Good luck with your books, and I hope to have you on my blog in the future, too! Take care!

    1. Thanks, that would be great! Have I talked to you about a guest blog yet? With all that happened, I've totally lost track of who I talked to, and I'm even a little shaky on where I've already guest blogged.
