Profiled on Humor Outcasts

Humor Outcasts is featuring me! As a humorist! Which makes sense, because they're a humor site! Writers shouldn't use too many exclamation points!

Thanks to Donna Cavanagh, who's found so many outcast humorists and given them a home. The world needs humor now more than ever, and people seem to appreciate it--and yet, editors and publishers seem to have no interest in it, anymore. So Donna set up the website and a partner publishing company, and you could do way worse than to check them out! I mean, out.

Here's the author picture for the profile:

Sometimes I get the feeling Beowulf's a camera hog. Er, camera dog.

Remember, every time a funny story is ignored, mimes eat a humorist. Don't feed the mimes.

And don't forget to find us on our website:
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Along with many other e-book platforms.

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